New Year’s Music Resolutions for 2014: Chapter 3

new year's music resolutions

Hails my friends and welcome back to our series of “New Year’s Music Resolutions” for 2014. We’re now at Chapter Three of the submissions and it’s been some really cool stuff. I love hearing the inside scoop from the people whose music makes me glad I started this writing adventure in the first place. Okay without any further adieu let’s begin.

1. Lita Ford: My New Years Music resolution is to play more guitar. Collect guitars; One can never have enough guitars…… LOL. Rock a little harder. And have fun ! Fun Fun !!!

2. Paul Ablaze (Blackguard): My New Year’s Music Resolutions is to work heavily on my piano playing . I’ve been dabbling in it the past 2 years but I really want to dedicate myself to it this year .

3. Lena Hall (The Deafening): to take everything in and not take anything or anyone for granted. To be grateful and thankful on a daily basis.

4. Dave (SISTER SIN): My music resolution would be to break even more ground in 2014 than we´ve did this last year. Looking forward to unleash the 4th album SISTER SIN album (which btw will kick major ass)and tour the States again. Especially New York so Ken can drag us out to bars, buy us beers and ramble about how tall Johan Hegg from Amon Amarth is. Cheers fukker!! 🙂

5. Lessa Harrington-Squyres (Lez Zeppelin): my personal new years resolution for 2014, well…plain and simple….to make a million bucks…none more, none less. And, if I may speak for my band mates in “LEZ ZEPPELIN. ..THE Heaviest all girl band in ROCK HISTORY”, that’s even easier! MADISON SQUARE GARDEN, OR BUST, BABY! That is all….Squyres OUT!!

6. Julz (Hatchet): “My news years music resolution for 2014 is to show the world that Bay Area Thrash is still alive and kicking! For Hatchet to be an advocate for the SF Bay Area thrash metal scene and keep melting faces off one booze induced show after another!” And I will pound 2,014 beers by the end of the year…that’s a promise.

7. ISLANDER: My New Year’s Music resolution for 2014 is to keep up the hustle. Even before signing a record deal we were touring, shooting music videos, and trying to write the best songs we possibly could. I guess it’s not really a ‘New’ year’s resolution, but more of a ‘keep up the pace’ resolution.

8. Flo Mounier (Cryptopsy): The resolution for 2014 is pretty simple for Cryptopsy.We have acquired a recording studio where we can practice and record real time as much as it pleases us.The ideas are flowing and the plan is to write an new album that will just destroy!!!Enough said, back to work, so…..Look out for the new Cryptopsy album sometime in 2014.

Great stuff and as you might have noticed, I had a few drummers in the mix with this one – Oh and to address what Sister Sin Dave said in his resolution, both he and Jimmy went on their own accord to Duke’s with me before their show that night and he rambles just as good as I do. As far as Johan being tall, well that is just a fact. I hope they come back soon since this time its Dave’s turn to pay 🙂

Official Websites:
Lita Ford:
The Deafening:
Lez Zeppelin:
Sister Sin:

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