Hey there readers, and a Merry Post-Christmas to you all (if you indeed celebrated the holiday like we do at the PiercingMetal Command HQ); It’s also Boxing Day for some and we wish well to those readers indulging in that holiday. So why are we here you ask….. Well, as 2012 draws to it’s inevitable end, I once again found myself wondering what the people who bring us that sweet, sweet music during the year had on their minds for the coming year of 2013. As I mentioned in a reflection blog posting only a couple of days ago, I had greatly enjoyed obtaining this information for you with last year’s series of “New Year’s Metal Resolutions for 2012” so it was high time to do it again. In case you were curious, I slightly changed the premise this year to allow for a broader reach and at the end of the day I think you will be satisfied with the results. So now without any further adieu, the answers to “What Is Your New Year’s Music Resolution for 2013” from some truly talented musicians. I reached out to some of the same contributors as last year and also to a wonderful new batch of people to make it all the more interesting.
1. Oderus Urungus (GWAR): To write and record the most awesome GWAR album yet, with our new guitar player, Pustulus Maximus!
2. Lance King: To make more music, it’s time to create another badass metallic opus for those paying attention!
3. Acey Slade (The Dark Party): If all goes as I hope I will be a part of 3 albums that come out in 2013. Which would be great because it’s been about 3 years since I put out anything new. The weird climate the music ‘business’ has been in, along with a shit economy has made musicians like me treat releasing new music with some trepidation. But on the creative end, there are over 20 Dark Party songs written, a dozen for another project I am working on and there’s other stuff too. So, my resolution would be to release new material, start to reestablish the ‘business’ side of things and also buy more new/current music. Last year I bought a lot of Motown, 70’s Glam, and 90’s alternative. I need some more metal in 2013…13 is a pretty metal number so..seems fitting.
4. Tony Kakko (Sonata Arctica): My New Year’s Music Resolution for 2013 Is to write enough material for the next Sonata Arctica album and also, if I have any spare time, concentrate on my solo stuff OR write for other artists. I have so much music inside me right now!
5. Mille Petrozza (Kreator): My New Year`s resolution is to sign up for triathlon again and visit fans in all kinds of places around the globe. So basically more of the same :-)!
6. Thomas Youngblood (Kamelot): Finalize plans for the next Kamelot DVD!
7. Ryan Neff (Miss May I): My Resolution is an on-going saga that I’ve been a part of for the past year, and it is to continuously improve my performer for fans, and doing that via professional instruction. I have been powering through singing lessons with an amazing singing coach, learning the ins and outs of my voice just as I have so many times with my basses. I’ve always felt that the fans attending shows deserve 110% so that’s what I am here to do.
8. Margarita Monet (Edge Of Paradise): My New Year’s Music Resolution for 2013 is to release Edge Of Paradise’s best music to date (“In A Dream”) and tour to as many places as physically possible. And maybe figure out how to break glass with my voice 🙂
9. Alissa White-Gluz (The Agonist): Make music that feels right or stop making music altogether, whichever comes first.
10. Bryan Holland (Reverence): NY Music Resolution, hmmmm….”Come Hell or Highwater, we’re taking Reverence on a European and US East Tour, we have confirmed shows already. New Reverence music is in the works for 2013 that should delight everyone who loved our first album. Many thanks for everyone’s support, you made 2012 and the success of our album ‘When Darkness Calls’ a dream come true, can’t wait to do it again!”
11. Dean Wells (Teramaze): To Produce a New album that leaves AnhedoniA in the Dust..
12. Jon Bodan (Halcyon Way): New Halcyon Way album, and to hit the road again!
How was that for a start? Pretty cool right? I’ll be running this series for the next week and a half with a new chapter every day until we have finished giving you all of the submitted resolutions. Until that time you can surf around the blog for other items and most importantly click on these artists respective websites to show them a little support. I am sure that they will appreciate your attention.
Official Websites:
GWAR (Oderus): http://www.gwar.net/
Lance King: http://www.lancekingvox.com/
Acey Slade: http://us.myspace.com/aceyslademusic
Sonata Arctica (Tony Kakko): http://www.sonataarctica.info
Kreator (Mille Petrozza): http://kreator-terrorzone.de/
Miss May I: http://us.myspace.com/missmayi
Edge Of Paradise: http://www.edgeofparadiseband.com/
The Agonist: http://www.myspace.com/theagonist
Reverence: http://ReverenceMetal.com
Kamelot: http://www.kamelot.com
Halcyon Way: http://www.halcyonway.com/
Teramaze: http://teramaze.com.au/
PS: Dig into the 2012 Series HERE 🙂