Something wicked this way is coming…..
The Statement:
NEVER BREAK THE OATH!!! We will be playing an unspecified number of concerts throughout Europe during the summer of 2020, including COPENHELL. It will be the “9” lineup, featuring: Hank Shermann – Guitar; King Diamond – Vocals; Bjarne T Holm – Drums; Mike Wead – Guitar with Joey Vera on the bass while Timi Hansen is away.
We asked Joey Vera (Armored Saint, Fates Warning) to fill in because he has a very unique style and sound playing with his fingers, much like that of Timi Hansen. This is very important, since the set list will only consist of songs from the very first “mini LP”, the “Melissa” album, and the “Don’t Break The Oath” album, plus some brand new songs written specifically in that very same style.
This will very much be Mercyful Fate as we were in the very beginning, except for a brand new major stage production. See you at the Ruined Bridge.
*** end of transmission ***
PiercingMetal Thoughts: This is some seriously awesome news for sure and I cannot wait to be on point sharing more announcements and alerts about this as it all surfaces. Back in the day, I was more of a casual listener to Mercyful Fate than a diehard because the band kinda spooked me at first but once I got to listening I loved it. Sadly I never managed to witness them in concert with the original classic lineup for those two influential albums “Melissa” and “Don’t Break The Oath” but WOW did those released get played to death on my stereo once I was converted. I have seen King Diamond a number of times and know that he has been pulling out the stops on his tour so to find him and company returning to their earlier years feel that this is going to be some kind of treat for the Metal Legions. I’ll close up now but you folks can chime in and tell me what you think about this news down in the comments section below.
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