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Marvel Announces “You Are Deadpool” (Coming May 2018)

To say that Deadpool is a popular character is an understatement and with a brand-new movie coming out sometime in May of this year this will likely raise the awareness on the Merc with a Mouth. Yesterday, the folks at Marvel Comics announced a mini-series that sure does sound interesting. Take a look at the cover of the first issue and some of the provided preview pages.

marvel comics, comic book covers
“You Are Deadpool” #1

The Press Release:
The fourth wall has been broken – by you, because this May, YOU can be Deadpool! The merc with the mouth is your guide as he takes you on a fantastic ride that doubles as a role playing adventure in this new five-part weekly miniseries where adventure…danger…and the future…all rests in YOUR hands!

Written by Al Ewing (Avengers: No Surrender) with art by Salva Espin (Deadpool) and Paco Diaz (Avengers: No Surrender), YOU ARE DEADPOOL is an interactive narrative that lets readers control Deadpool’s story by rolling dice, keeping track of their scores, and making smart (or disastrous) decisions. And be prepared to meet some classic and unique guest stars as you travel through time as Deadpool in a whirlwind adventure!

“YOU ARE DEADPOOL is a five-part adventure gamebook in the classic tradition of FIGHTING FANTASY, LONE WOLF and DICEMAN — where YOU, and the cut-out-and-keep DEADPOOL DIE, control the action! Every week brings a COMPLETE single-player adventure — where you encounter glamorous guest-stars like HULK, GHOST RIDER, GRASSHOPPER, DAREDEVIL and ANOTHER GRASSHOPPER — that form an EPIC QUEST the like of which you’ve NEVER SEEN, unless you have!” teases series writer Al Ewing. “And there’s more! Fight END-OF-LEVEL BOSSES! Manage your inventory by STEALING background objects! Explore FIVE DIFFERENT TIME ZONES in NEARLY ANY ORDER! Play the TUTORIAL LEVEL! Enjoy UNIQUE MINIGAMES about BAR FIGHTS, BEAT POETRY and SNEAKING THROUGH LEVELS! LAUGH! CRY! CHEAT! It’s all waiting for YOU — because YOU ARE DEADPOOL!”

It’s a series unlike anything Marvel Comics has ever done – new and seasoned readers alike will get their chance to play this May, when YOU ARE DEADPOOL hits your local comic shop!

YOU ARE DEADPOOL #1 (of 5): Written by AL EWING; Art by SALVA ESPIN (issues #1, 3, 5) & PACO DIAZ (Issues #2, 4); Covers by RAHZZAH – On-Sale 5/2/18

marvel comics, comic book previews, you are deadpool
“You Are Deadpool” #1 (Preview 1)
marvel comics, comic book previews, you are deadpool
“You Are Deadpool” #1 (Preview 2)
marvel comics, comic book previews, you are deadpool
“You Are Deadpool” #1 (Preview 3)
marvel comics, comic book previews, you are deadpool
“You Are Deadpool” #1 (Preview 4)

*** end of transmission ***

PiercingMetal Thoughts: This series sure sounds like fun and it will clearly break the fourth wall over and over during the course of its run. I love that about the Deadpool character, you always find him addressing you as the reader and letting you in on the plans. Since this one is a mini-series, I might just wait and get the whole thing in a collected edition but that is how I roll these days. What do you think about the sound of this new series? Does it interest you at all? Chime in down below in the comments section. Until we meet again I bid you adieu.

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