The fine folks from the House Of Ideas have a brand-new crop of “True Believers” coming and before we get started, let me remind you about the “Immortal” Variant covers that are also hitting the racks in September that are in close connection with this run of issues. I posted about that HERE so take a look at what they shared with the media. Now let’s get back to business.
The Press Release:
This September, we invite you to smash your way through Hulk history by revisiting some of the Jade Giant’s most classic stories in Marvel comicdom! And each issue captures a part of Bruce Banner’s many egos! All will be featured in our TRUE BELIEVERS comics, available only at your local comic shops!
Journey through Banner’s vast and varied psyche as we resurface Hulks of past and present, each issue at the suggested retail price of $1. TRUE BELIEVERS are perfect for readers new and old. Whether it’s your first time reading these monumental tales or your hundredth – you won’t want to miss this special celebration. Look for your favorite classic stories with new and colorful re-printings! Be aware that all of these issues are 32 pages in length with the exception of the “Hulk 2099” one which has 40.
TRUE BELIEVERS: HULK – HEAD OF BANNER #1: Reprinting Incredible Hulk (1962) #6
TRUE BELIEVERS: HULK – INTELLIGENT HULK #1: Reprinting Incredible Hulk (1968) #272

TRUE BELIEVERS: HULK – MINDLESS HULK #1: Reprinting Incredible Hulk (1968) #299

TRUE BELIEVERS: HULK – GRAY HULK RETURNS #1: Reprinting Incredible Hulk (1968) #324

TRUE BELIEVERS: HULK – JOE FIXIT #1: Reprinting Incredible Hulk (1968) #347

TRUE BELIEVERS: HULK – PROFESSOR HULK #1: Reprinting Incredible Hulk (1968) #377

TRUE BELIEVERS: HULK – DEVIL HULK #1: Reprinting Incredible Hulk (1999) #13

TRUE BELIEVERS: HULK – RED HULK #1: Reprinting Hulk (2008) #1

TRUE BELIEVERS: HULK — HULK 2099 #1: Reprinting 2099 Unlimited (1993) #1

TRUE BELIEVERS: HULK – THE OTHER HULKS #1: Reprinting material from Journey Into Mystery (1950) #62, Strange Tales (1951) #75

*** end of list ***
PiercingMetal Thoughts: I’ll keep this short in the interest of time and based on the overall amount of website posts that I need to address and keep you entertained. You all know how I LOVE LOVE LOVE the “True Believers” initiative as there is nothing like being able to get a nice stack of comics for a very reasonable price. I also love the Incredible Hulk and was a diehard reader of the title back during my heavy collecting years in the 80’s and 90’s and was glued to the television even earlier when the show ran on CBS and starred Lou Ferrigno. These days I am more of a sporadic reader who peruses from the shelves first but many have said that I need to read “The Immortal Hulk” as they maintain it’s a fantastic title. Hopefully I will get around to that sometime soon. Remember that you should speak to your local retailer in advance if you’d like to secure a few sets of these issues. I say “a few” because this is the kind of thing that you always want to pay forward and inspire a younger reader in your family circle with. It will only set you back the price of a Starbucks Coffee for the most part when you include tax and a little tip so I say go for it. You’re going to want to listen to me on this or risking the Jade Giant getting wind of you not following orders and yelling HULK SMASH!!!! See you next time.
Official Website: