Marvel Announces “Annihilation” True Believers For December

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This coming December will find the “ANNIHILATION” story line crossing into numerous existing titles and special edition one-shots. In honor of this massive feat in the Marvel Universe, The House Of Ideas will be offering readers an “ANNIHILATION TRUE BELIEVERS” month as well. There are “10” comics being released for this initiative and all will cost you a dollar each. They are also all 32 Pages in length so let’s give them a look see shall we.

TRUE BELIEVERS: ANNIHILATION – OMEGA THE UNKNOWN #1 – Reprinting Omega the Unknown (1976) #1

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“True Believers: Annihilation – Omega The Unknown” #1

TRUE BELIEVERS: ANNIHILATION – NOVA #1 – Reprinting Nova (1976) #1

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“True Believers: Annihilation – Nova” #1

TRUE BELIEVERS: ANNIHILATION – ANNIHILUS #1 – Reprinting Fantastic Four (1961) #140

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“True Believers: Annihilation – Annihilus” #1

TRUE BELIEVERS: ANNIHILATION – QUASAR #1 – Reprinting Incredible Hulk (1968) #234

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“True Believers: Annihilation – Quasar” #1

TRUE BELIEVERS: ANNIHILATION – MAN-WOLF IN SPACE #1 – Reprinting Marvel Premiere (1972) #45

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“True Believers: Annihilation – Man-Wolf In Space” #1

TRUE BELIEVERS: ANNIHILATION – ODINPOWER #1 – Reprinting Thor (1966) #349

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“True Believers: Annihilation – Odinpower” #1

TRUE BELIEVERS: ANNIHILATION – MOONDRAGON #1 – Reprinting Invincible Iron Man (1968) #54

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“True Believers: Annihilation – Moondragon” #1

TRUE BELIEVERS: ANNIHILATION – MANTIS #1 – Reprinting Avengers (1963) #112

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“True Believers: Annihilation – Mantis” #1

TRUE BELIEVERS: ANNIHILATION – SUPER-SKRULL #1 – Reprinting Thor (1966) #142

comic book covers, marvel comics, marvel entertainment, marvel true believers, true believers: annihilation
“True Believers: Annihilation – Super-Skrull” #1

TRUE BELIEVERS: ANNIHILATION – SUPER-ADAPTOID #1 – Tales of Suspense (1959) #82,# 84

comic book covers, marvel comics, marvel entertainment, marvel true believers, true believers: annihilation
“True Believers: Annihilation – Super-Adaptoid” #1

*** end of list ***

PiercingMetal Thoughts: As you all know by now I am a big fan of this one dollar comics program but sometimes there are issues that don’t make much sense to me when they are included. Fotunately that is not the case with this run of titles as it will bring back to the forefront a number of heroes and villains. When I see some of these characters it raises my hopes that we shall eventually see them in the Marvel Cinematic Universe at some point. Looking back on these I remember that I was an ardent reader of “Quasar”, “Nova” and I still own the complete run of the short-lived “Omega The Unknown”. “Man-Wolf” starred in a number of issues in the “Creatures On The Loose” series from the 70’s but I digress. I will be picking all of these up and you should let your local comic book retailer know that you want them as well. I’ll keep on stressing that you should pick up a few copies of each to help spark the interest in the collecting hobby in the minds of the younger generation of fan in your personal world. See you next time.

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