Fans are going to need to start asking for overtime or saving the money spent on coffee and other sundries for the concert tours that keep getting announced with an almost consistent, day to day thing. That’s not bad at all since we love the live music scene here at the Metal Command HQ. This latest bit announces a short tour by Like Moths To Flames. Dig it.
The Press Release:
Like Moths to Flames will embark on a mini-tour this summer during which the band will perform its debut album “When We Don’t Exist” in its entirety. The album was initially released in 2011. Support acts will be announced shortly. Like Moths to Flames recently wrapped work on their new album, due out later this year on Rise Records. Further details are forthcoming.
The Tour Dates: LEG 1
7/27: Toronto, ONT @ Hard Luck
7/28: New York, NY @ Webster Hall
7/29: Easton, PA @ One Centre Square
7/30: Worcester, MA @ Palladium
The Tour Dates: LEG 2
8/3: Pittsburgh, PA @ Cattivo
8/4: Detroit, MI @ The Shelter
8/5: Columbus, OH @ Park Street Saloon
8/6: Berwyn, IL @ The Wire
*** end of transmission ***
PiercingMetal Thoughts: I’ve got to admit that LMTF is not one of the bands that I’ve been following in the recent years and while I’d like to resolve my lack of checking them out in concert, the timing of this tour will find me away from our fair Metal Metropolis. That said I’ll need you diehards to fill me in on the proceedings and to educate me on what I am missing out on. Feel free to let me know what you think of this brief tour and to share what tunes you think I need to focus on to get better acclimated. Thanks folks, and see you next time.
Official Website: