PiercingMetal Goes Inside Eddie Trunk’s “Essential Hard Rock & Heavy Metal” Vol. 2 Book Event (9/24/2013)

For those fans of Eddie Trunk’s radio program and hit VH1 Classic series “That Metal Show”, you will be pleased as the proverbial punch to learn that the second volume of his “Essential Hard Rock and Heavy Metal” has just been released. Take a look at the cover from this Abrams Books offering…..
Book - Eddie Trunk - Essential Hard Rock V2

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Welcome To The Hard Rock Cafe Times Square

Now for a side visual. Long time readers know that I love snagging images of the marquee.

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Get Your Book Signed Tonight

Mr. Eddie Trunk signs a copy of “Essential Hard Rock and Heavy Metal” Volume II

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Eddie Signs

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Here’s a shot of Eddie posing with some fans

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Eddie and Fans

After the signing, Eddie had a small launch gathering downstairs in the Hard Rock Cafe and this was the same place where he did the Volume 1 event that I documented HERE. It was an honor to be among the invited guests present as well as being a media fly on the wall in some sense. My images below showcase the celebration of the new book and some of the people who were in attendance to raise a glass about it.

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It was fantastic to see the great Bob Gruen at the party. Bob is a legendary photographer and videographer and has two books of his own on out on Abrams. One is about the legendary New York Dolls and the other is entitled “Rock Seen”. I’ll link to them at the close of this narrative.

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Eddie Trunk & Bob Gruen

Here is Eddie and Andrea who works with the publishing company

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One more of Andrea and she is pictured with the books editor Tamar Brazis

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Andrea and Tamar Brazis

Mr. Ron Akiyama who has done a lot of Eddie’s photographs over the years is pictured here with friends.

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Ron Akiyama and Friends

Joining into the fun was Katherine Turman who is the co-author of “Louder Than Hell: The Definitive Oral History Of Heavy Metal”; That’s a massive missive and I recommend that you all order yourself a copy.

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Eddie Trunk and Katherine Turman

It’s not often that I get to have a photograph with Bob Gruen taken, so why not jump at the chance. Thanks to Mr. Kevin Hodapp who is a long time music photographer and was present at the party for snapping this of Bob and I.

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Ken Pierce and Bob Gruen

Here’s Miss Amy Franklin, the publicist for “Essential Hard Rock and Heavy Metal” Volume II

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Amy Franklin of Abrams Books

You know this face if you watch the VH1 Classic hit “That Metal Show” as its one third of the hosts, the one and only Don Jamieson. Jim Florentine was not there while I was at the party but I understood that he had a gig to do.

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Don Jamieson of “That Metal Show”

Time to wake up the readers that are sports fans, with the legendary #31 of the New York Mets, Mike Piazza.

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Mr. Mike Piazza #31

Here’s Eddie’s wife and their children. They were having a blast and enjoying the attention that they got as well.

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Mrs. Eddie Trunk

Now onto Mr. Erik Luftglass who has worked the management side of several acts that were written up on PiercingMetal.com over the years.

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Erik Luftglass

A Metal Media Triple Threat for sure…..

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Eddie Trunk, Mike Piazza & Don Jamieson

And well, one more of that very same ideal with Katherine, Kim and Andrea……

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Katherine, Amy and Andrea

Fans of “That Metal Show” will recognize the lovely lady next to Don as Miss Box Of Junk, but she also goes by Jennifer Gottlieb. Such a treat to meet her in person this evening.

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Don Jamieson & Jennifer Gottlieb

I just had to get in on the action with the last show since it was so cool to get to say hello to “Metal” Mike Piazza once again in celebration of Eddie’s second tome.

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Mike Piazza, Ron Akiyama, KP, Eddie Trunk

It was at this point that I had to take my leave from the festivities and get down to Stage 48 to see Helloween so I am unsure if I missed anyone that might have arrived later on. Many thanks to Eddie Trunk and the staff of Abrams Books for the invitation and great time. A full review is coming for the book as soon as possible but I will say that if you enjoyed the first one then the second is going to be right up your alley. You can order the book via the embedded Amazon.com link below and to be a trooper for you I have even added a link for the first volume in case you still need a copy as well as those other Abrams Books that I mentioned in the narrative. How is that for thinking outside the box?

Official Website: http://www.eddietrunk.com
Official Website: http://www.abramsbooks.com/
Official Website: http://www.bobgruen.com/
Official Website: http://www.donjamieson.com/

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