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Image/Skybound Entertainment Reveals September Lorenzo De Felici Variants

I’ve been sharing these “variant covers” items for several months now and a LOT of them have been coming from the Image Comics/Skybound Entertainment side of the fence in honor of the companies 25th Anniversary. This batch seems to be a different celebration entirely and the different covers on these eight issues can be learned about via the press release that is provided below. As usual I’m posting this a couple of weeks before they hit the stands so they remain in your memory and can be inquired about when you hit your local retailer on New Comic Book Day. Dig in.

The Press Release:
Image/Skybound Entertainment introduces Italian comic artist Lorenzo De Felici to the United States market in a big way with Skybound’s line-wide variant covers which will hit stores this September. De Felici is the artist of a new, soon-to-be-announced, ongoing Skybound series sure to be a major hit with fans and critics alike upon its launch.

THE WALKING DEAD #171 by Robert Kirkman, Charlie Adlard & Cliff Rathburn, Cover B by De Felici.

“The Walking Dead” #171 (Lorenzo de Felici variant)

BIRTHRIGHT #26 by Joshua Williamson, Andrei Bressan & Adriano Lucas, Cover B by De Felici.

“Birthright” #26 (Lorenzo de Felici variant)

GASOLINA #1 by Sean Mackiewicz, Niko Walter & Mat Lopes, Cover B by De Felici

“Gasolina” #1 (Lorenzo de Felici variant)

INVINCIBLE #140 by Robert Kirkman, Ryan Ottley & Nathan Fairbairn, Cover B by De Felici

“Invincible” #140 (Lorenzo de Felici variant)

MANIFEST DESTINY #31 by Chris Dingess, Matthew Roberts, Tony Akins & Owen Gieni Cover B by De Felici

“Manifest Destiny” #31 (Lorenzo de Felici variant)

KILL THE MINOTAUR #4 by Chris Pasetto, Christian Cantamessa, Lukas Ketner & Jean-Francois Beaulieu & Lukas Ketner, Cover B by De Felici

“Kill The Minotaur” #4 (Lorenzo de Felici variant)

HORIZON #14 by Brandon Thomas, Juan Gedeon & Mike Spicer, Cover B by De Felici

“Horizon” #14 (Lorenzo de Felici variant)

REDNECK #6 by Donny Cates, Lisandro Estherren & Dee Cunniffe, Cover B by De Felici

“Redneck” #6 (Lorenzo de Felici variant)

PiercingMetal Thoughts: These look nice to me but as I’ve mentioned in the numerous posts of the recent past, I am NOT much the collector of the variant edition covers. It’s just how my wallet rolls which translates as there isn’t enough extra scratch for me to keep up with them all. We do wish De Felici the very best of luck with his upcoming series “Skybound” and hope that it is a big hit with the fans of Image Comics. If you love these covers please let me know that down in the comments section below so the Image Comics people know we are reaching you all. We’d also like to hear from you since it reaffirms my decision on posting all of this comic book related content for those fans. Okay that brings me to my farewell, so until next time, I bid you adieu.

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