Since I still have a lot to do I am going to leave this introduction piece as a very simple “Welcome to the continuing presentations from the 2016 NY Comic Con”. I’m still dishing out my “Day Three” stuff because with this being the Saturday session there is a LOT to see and document. If you are just now joining us please click on THIS LINK first since it will bring you a rundown of all the chapters that have been posted before this one. Now without any further adieu, here is “Day Three: Part Two” 🙂 I’ll chime in here and there but mostly will let the photos do the talking.
I zipped back up to the Press Room so I could recharge my mobile and my camera and while I was up there I had the chance to photograph a couple of aerial views of the main expo floor. As you can see the aisles seem to go on forever and there are people at every turn. This is NOT the place to be if the stuff going on in “The Walking Dead” comes to be for some reason.
Here’s our friend Oksana Cosplay. We played message tag for a little while today but finally found each other. I loved her Sexy Picachu and since I missed her last year gave her two photos this time around. Thanks for finding me miss, be careful out there 🙂
Hey look Nadya Sonika is back at her table. She is quite a popular attraction and I love catching up with her. This is her Borderlands cosplay and it looks superb. I might have to make Nadya my WCW 🙂
This remote controlled drone of the USS Enterprise is a must have for me. I’m not sure how my cat Spooke will like it but let’s see if I can find this and include it in my geek budget.
Dear readers I think I have found my new favorite hoodie. Remember that your Metal Maestro celebrates his birthday in May and the websites own launch birthday is in April 😉
I’m not sure that I showed any of the other cards or not since we’ve put so many photos up since starting this adventure but here is the “Catman” trading card from Dynamite Comics. They have a new KISS comic book coming out soon and for each day of the convention had a different card at the table to collect. Somehow I missed The Demon card and I must get my hands on that. I am a KISS completist after all.
Growing up I LOVED the Golden Books and these new ones take the popular mythologies that we enjoy today and gear them towards the younger readers in our world. I’m sure that a lot of you have the much younger brother or sister or a friend that has just had a child so keep these in mind.
As I walked the hall down to Artist Alley I saw this uhm, this err, this…..oh gosh I dunno. Plant Monster?
Behold The Artist Alley. If you need me please don’t text me or try to distract me from this arduous mission. I’m going in.
That was a fun one wasn’t it? I thought so and since I’ve just now gotten us over to the Artist Alley, I know that there are at least two more chapters for this day. See you tomorrow and remember to click on the website links below so you can learn more about the stuff that was featured in this chapter. Also, if you are a fan of Instagram, please know that a whole bunch of different photographs from the convention have been uploaded as well. You can find our profile by clicking HERE so please come “follow” and like as many of the images that suit your fancy. See you again tomorrow with the next chapter.
Official Websites:
NY Comic Con:
Erica Henderson:
Meredith Finch:
Nadya Sonika:
Peter David: