Well hello there again my readers I’m glad that you’re still rocking along with the ride that is the continuing visual examination from the 2016 NY Comic Con. I’m up to the final presentation from my “Day Three” attendance and as you saw in a previous chapter I just poked around the Artist Alley. With this closing group I’ll be checking out another sight or two in The Block and then heading down to a space known as “Cosplay Corridor”. If you are just now joining into the proceedings please click on THIS LINK first since it will bring you a rundown of all the chapters that have been posted before this one. Let’s get these visuals started in the best fashion with this glimpse of the stunning Steamed Eggs Cosplayer. I call her “Steamie” and she is drop-dead gorgeous in her Psylocke outfit. She was doing a shoot with one of the many photographers you will find at this convention.
Even the likes of Wonder Woman requires a selfie for her Facebook or Instagram.
Here’s our friends Keith Williams and Brian Pulido. Good to see these chaps discussing the illustrated page.
I couldn’t believe I was seeing Brother Voodoo at the NYCC! What a surprise. I wonder if we shall see him on one of the Netflix shows since his backstory works great with these “street level” heroes.
Here is a small visual of the Starship offerings by Eaglemoss Collections. You remember these guys for sure from when I covered that “Star Trek: Mission NY” Convention. If you forgot that we presented that to the readers or are too new to our stories, just click HERE
This was cooler than cool. The Legendary Voltron and all the lions.
Now it’s down to that Cosplay Corridor that I mentioned earlier and what this space actually is, is below the main floor entrance with a underpassage for the buses and cars. During NYCC this space is closed off to traffic and pickups so the cosplayers all set up their shoots and meet-ups. I was hitting the convention with my little Samsung Point and Shoot this time around and it was doing exactly what I needed. Let’s see what we come up with down here.
This gender bend Aquaman or Aquawoman was badass. Nice work miss, I hope to see your future designs.
All Hail Cobra!!! I tread carefully when approaching this trilogy of evil and in speaking to Cobra Commander said that they had done a nice job at having not one, but two puppet candidates in the upcoming US Presidential elections. He chuckled under his mask and said how no one has any idea that they are behind it all. Dastardly doings for sure.
This is an interesting group of Batman Family villains and their friend Black Canary. That’s Deadshot, Red Hood and Harley Quinn in case you just woke up from another decade and didn’t recognize the characters.
You’ve not seen Punk Rock until you’ve seen these Imperial Punks. Take us out boys, I’ve a chapter to close.
The masses begin to make their way to the many exits. Man did I need to sit down by the end of today. I was also thinking of inhaling some Chinese food when I got home. That was the plan at least.
Okay so now its time to let you take a deep breath and relax while I sort and examine and number all of the images from the Final Day that I will start presenting to you tomorrow unless something crucial comes up. Remember, if you are a fan of Instagram, please know that a whole bunch of different photographs from the convention have been uploaded as well. You can find our profile by clicking HERE so please come “follow” and like as many of the images that suit your fancy. See you again tomorrow with the next chapter.
Official Websites:
NY Comic Con: http://www.nycomiccon.com
ReedPOP: http://www.reedpop.com
Coffin Comics: http://coffincomics.com/
Eaglemoss Collections: https://www.eaglemoss.com/en-us/
Steamed Eggs Cosplay: https://www.facebook.com/steamedeggs/