Hello readers and welcome back to the in-depth exploration of the 2016 NY Comic Con. I’m up to my fourth chapter of offerings from the first day of the convention so without further adieu let’s get right down to business. I’ll start with the rocking band that was performing in one of the booths. They called themselves “Supergames”. Solid sounding group for sure.
Hey here is our convention buddy Patrick Reilly and his cool creation “Electrolyte”. This is the superhero that can cure hangovers and its a fun read for sure. I snagged the most recent issues and promise a review will come to the website soon. I just need a nice few days for reading.
I was glad to run into the one and only Axl Rose at NYCC especially since he is so busy with the touring and all – Hey, wait a minute!
The awesome folks at Comicsverse. I met some of their staff at the Special Edition NYC convention and love what they are all about. Sadly, my thumbs up was in vain as I could not secure a cool t-shirt or mug when I stopped by. Oh the humanity 🙁
This independent title sounded interesting and hopefully I will be able to get a copy sometime soon to discuss with you in our reviews. Let’s see what happens. This was the first time I had heard of “Apama”.
It was time for me to head into the Press Lounge because I was running low on both camera and phone battery life. I could also use a cup of coffee and to gather my wits. So no photos for a brief break and I will be back after these messages.
People from out of town who don’t attend the NYCC ask me if its really as crowded as they hear and well, check it out. This is a side lobby. It leads to the second side of the main Javits Hall. Looks mobbed right? It was.
While I still had stuff to do on “The Block” region of the convention, I wanted to be sure to say hello to my friend Lindsey at her “Symphony Blush” booth. I met her a couple of conventions ago and she is a talented makeup artist and also an absolute sweetheart.
It seems as though Miss Blush is a Gorgon today and has made herself up as the dread Medusa from Greek Mythology. Fortunately for all at NYCC, looking at her would NOT turn you into stone.
She had Beetlejuice at the booth with her and he was causing all sorts of ruckus with the passerby who each wanted a photo with him.
That’s it for this installment but trust me I still have some stuff to share with you because there is always a lot to see at NY Comic Con. While you wait, please click on the website links below so you can learn more about the stuff that was featured in this chapter. Also, if you are a fan of Instagram, please know that a whole bunch of different photographs from the convention have been uploaded as well. You can find our profile by clicking HERE so please come “follow” and like as many of the images that suit your fancy. See you again tomorrow with the next chapter.
Official Websites:
NY Comic Con: http://www.nycomiccon.com
ReedPOP: http://www.reedpop.com
Comicsverse: http://www.comicsverse.com
Justice Purveyors: http://thejusticepurveyors.com/
Symphony Blush: http://www.symphonyblush.com/