Greetings Geeks and Geekettes around the world and welcome back to my continuing posts about the 2015 NY Comic Con. My presentations below are still from the first day that we attended but its our third chapter of images and thoughts so let’s get right on down to the fun shall we. I think the best place to start this installment is with the fine freaky folks at Troma Films. They’ve been disrupting mass media for 42 years now. Sadly I would not see founder Lloyd Kaufman when I stopped by the booth.
Hate to do this to you (not really) but this brings us to the end of the chapter but more is queued and coming at you bright and early in the morning. Until that time please click on some of these website links to show additional love to the vendors and cosplayers displayed. Please also hit the PiercingMetal Instagram to see some different images from Con. See you next time.
Official Websites:
NY Comic Con:
Comic Xposure:
M&M Mars:
Neal Adams:
Nicoline Evans:
Sugar Fueled:
Troma Films:
Vinny Tartamella: