ny comic con logo 2018, nycc 2018

Exploring New York Comic Con 2018: Day Two (Part 2)

Greetings once more my friends, it’s time to get another chapter in the continuing presentations from the 2019 New York Comic Con. The actual event ended about two days ago but those who know how we load up the massive amounts of visuals are aware that these come at the readership for about a week longer than that. Sometimes its even more depending on how busy my camera trigger finger was. As I’ve stated before, those just joing in should click HERE to see all of the posts that have gone online before this one. I am a continuity fan for sure and think that following along in order is a better experience.  I’ll start this chapter off with the select visuals of the newer stuff coming from the Good Smile Company.  We make sure to visit them at every Toy Fair and think the product is awesome.  Take a look.

new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018

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new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018

new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018

new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018Now back to some of the cosplayer presentations, I love snapping shots of the talented people I meet at NYCC.  So many levels of awesome gets put into their work.

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new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018

new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018

new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018

new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018Writer Sherrilyn Kenyon was visiting the press room to dole out her latest novel to anyone who was interested in a copy.  I thought that was very nice of her to do and I took one.

new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018

new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018

new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018

new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018

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new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018Before I left the upstairs area I wondered did I really want to go back downstairs into this.  Of course I do.  It takes a lot more than crowds to sway this guy.

new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018

new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018

new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018Another one of my favorite cosplayers of the convention came care of this mini Red Skull and his Tesseract.  Great job.

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new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018

new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018

new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018

new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018

new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018

new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018

new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018

new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018This was an interesting surprise.  It’s the duo-group Villins, Jesus and Jessyka.  We knew them initially as part of the band Syka but this has been the group for I guess around a year now.

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new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018

new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018This stunner is actually Agent Wednesday, a burlesque performer who we met at Flame Con a couple of years ago.  She is awesome to talk to and super friendly.  I must see her perform soon.

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new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018

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new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018

new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018

new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018

new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018Here’s the great R.L. Stine.  He was signing stuff at the Boom Studios booth.

new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018It’s always great to see Claudio Sanchez and his missus at NYCC.  As you know, Claudio fronts the mega-popular Coheed and Cambria.

new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018The legendary Neal Adams is a staple of the Con and one of my regular stops for catch up.  Check out the “We Spoke Out” book that he was involved in when you can find the time.

new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018

new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018I wasn’t sure if this was my friend Linny from Symphony Blush or some weird amalgamated version of Deadpool.

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new york comic con 2018, nycc 2018, photos from new york comic con 2018

Okay, let me close this chapter up since we’ve hit the “50” images benchmark that I generally stick to.  I hope you enjoyed this installment and remember, another one will follow at some point tomorrow.  Before you head onto the next thing that interests you on the web, I encourage you to click through to some of the websites that are linked below so you can learn more about the people and companies showcased in this chapter. I also hope that you’ll come lend some love to our Official Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts because I’d love for you to be along for the adventures as they happen. See you next time.

Update: In 2021 a video photo gallery was uploaded to the Official PiercingMetal YouTube Channel to help build up the content there and to offer fans of the New York Comic Con a different way to enjoy the presentation. This clip is from Day Two of our 2018 explorations. We ask site visitors to subscribe to the channel, click the notification bell and leave a comment and like the video to allow for more milestones to be reached.

Official Websites:
New York Comic Con: http://www.nycomiccon.com
ReedPOP: http://www.reedpop.com
Agent Wednesday: https://www.instagram.com/agentwednesday/
Coheed and Cambria: http://www.coheedandcambria.com/
Good Smile Company: https://www.goodsmile.info/en/
Nadya Sonika: http://www.nadyasonika.com/
Neal Adams: http://nealadams.com/
RL Stine: http://rlstine.com/
Sherrilyn Kenyon: https://www.sherrilynkenyon.com/
Sonic Boom Box: http://www.sonicboombox.com/
Stella Chu: http://stellachuu.com/
Symphony Blush: https://www.symphonyblush.com/
Villins: https://www.villins.com/

new york comic con logo - bw

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