By now you’ve probably surmised that the end of these installments is drawing near and you are correct in the assumption. Of our Day Four posts, this is the second to last one so if you’re just now joining us at the penultimate chapter of my 2018 New York Comic Con posts, I’d ask that you click HERE first to see all of the chapters that have come before this latest one. I’m in the Artist Alley a bit during this chapter so a lot of talented people to take note of and thank for their contributions to the comics medium. Most of them have their names in the photo as well to eliminate unnecessary discussion. I’ll try to find their websites, Facebook or Twitter Official accounts once all is said and done. Let’s do this.
That sure was a lot of talented people wasn’t it? I didn’t pay for any commissions to be done but thinking that next year I should get some done because it would be nice to have. That’s provided I have this scratch in the operating budget. We’ve got one more to go so start counting down the minutes. Before you head onto the next thing that interests you on the web, I encourage you to click through to some of the websites that are linked below so you can learn more about the people and companies showcased in this chapter. I also hope that you’ll come lend some love to our Official Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts because I’d love for you to be along for the adventures as they happen. See you next time.
Update: In 2021 a video photo gallery was uploaded to the Official PiercingMetal YouTube Channel to help build up the content there and to offer fans of the New York Comic Con a different way to enjoy the presentation. This clip is from Day Three of our 2018 explorations. We ask site visitors to subscribe to the channel, click the notification bell and leave a comment and like the video to allow for more milestones to be reached.
Official Websites:
New York Comic Con: