Exploring Book Expo 2017: Image Comics @ Javits Center

As we’ve already mentioned, we’ve been exploring the Book Expo 2017 which had taken over the Javits Center a few days ago. Most of the coverage has fallen over to my “The Chronicles Of Piercing Ken” website but since there were some comic book publishers present, I decided to share that stuff over here. Yesterday I showcased a Marvel Comics panel and now here is a glimpse at the Image Comics offerings.

The company staff were talking to colleagues off screen so I snapped the booth while I could.

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For the last few years, I’ve remembered that Image Comics brings a boatload of free comic books for the attendees to take with them.  That will be the majority of my photos for this particular post.

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As you can see, all of these titles fall under their “Image Firsts” banner and what these amount to are the first issues of numerous titles across the companies history.   I love the “Image Firsts” titles because they remind me of the Marvel Comics “True Believers” line that we have discussed at great length here on the website.

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They also had some in-booth signings going on and I caught the one with the guys behind “Motor Crush” – That’s Brendan Fletcher and Cameron Stewart BTW.

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Once I got home I wanted to showcase the “loot” as it were.  There was no limit to the amount of titles one could take away from the event so I was able to secure one for myself and one for a friend.

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Here is a different view on the whole bunch that I secured and oddly enough there is a duplicate in here which I didn’t realize until I posted the photo.  It’s not a big deal and while they didn’t have any of the classic heroes like “Spawn” and “Savage Dragon”, they did have “The Walking Dead”, “Mage” and “Monstress” which are three titles that I enjoy reading.

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That brings me to the end of this part of the presentation. I didn’t have much to showcase here more than the covers of the assorted loot that lucky attendees could snag as they explored the convention.   They have a very small space to work with here but it does the trick.  Hopefully you were one of those people wandering and getting samples and are now home with a nice pile of comics. Remember to follow PiercingMetal on our social networking accounts of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram since there are numerous reports “from the field” and I think you’d want to be a part of the moment as we experience it. Until next time.

Official Websites:
Image Comics: http://www.imagecomics.com
Book Expo: http://www.bookexpoamerica.com
ReedPOP: http://www.reedpop.com

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