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Dynamite Entertainment Reveals Wave 3 Of Free ComiXology First Issues

Hello friends, I am back once more to share the news about Dynamite Entertainments continuing program of free first issues via the ComiXology service. It’s sure been a week of trying news if you have the television broadcast on regularly but I remain hopeful for a light at the end of the tunnel. If you missed the post about “Wave 2” just click HERE so you can keep track. I’ve actually got links to the first wave and other related items of interest in that post so do give it a click. Now it’s onto the stuff for “Wave 3”.

comixology logo

The Press Release:
Dynamite announces a third spectacular set of free first issues available right now on ComiXology. Perfect for fans to binge while staying at home and practicing social distancing! Click HERE to see all the free issues – up to two pages now!

Additionally, though previously announced that prior weeks would be taken down shortly, Dynamite is keeping all these up for the moment. Which means nearly 40 comics are free right now! If one enjoys the taste tests, they are encouraged to check out the full story through their favorite formats and vendors. Talented creators involved with this batch include Garth Ennis, Greg Pak, Alex Ross, Cullen Bunn, Erica Schultz, David Liss, Maria Sanapo, and more!

Wave Three:
Army of Darkness / Bubba Ho-Tep #1
Battlefields: The Night Witches #1
Bob’s Burgers #1
Charmed #1
Elvira Mistress of the Dark #1
Evil Ernie #1
Jennifer Blood #1
John Carter: The End #1
John Wick #1
Mighty Mouse #1
Pumpkinhead #1
The Spider #1

*** end of transmission ***

PiercingMetal Thoughts: I’ve already mentioned that I have a ComiXology account and that while I prefer the physical issues, with Diamond Comics Group halting shipments and pretty much all the comic book shops being temporarily closed, this is the only option to keep our love of the hobby in place until all of this subsides. I’ve mentioned that I am probably downloading all of the offered titles but from this batch my most focused on ones will be “The Spider”, “John Wick”, “Evil Ernie”, “Elvira” and “Mighty Mouse”. What about you readers? Are you participating in this offering? Chime in down below in the comments section because I want to know what you are thinking about all this stuff. Stay safe out there and follow the directions. We want all of our readers healthy.

Official Websites:
Dynamite Entertainment: http://www.dynamite.com
ComiXology: http://www.comixology.com

comic book covers, dynamite entertainment
“Jennifer Blood” #1
comic book covers, dynamite entertainment
“Mighty Mouse” #1
comic book covers, dynamite entertainment
“Elvira Mistress Of The Dark” #1
comic book covers, dynamite entertainment
“Charmed” #1
comic book covers, dynamite entertainment
“Evil Ernie” #1
comic book covers, dynamite entertainment
“Bob’s Burgers” #1
comic book covers, dynamite entertainment
“John Wick” #1
comic book covers, dynamite entertainment
“The Spider” #1

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