I don’t usually like to do two comic book posts in a single day but we’ve got a lot on the media plate this month with the American International Toy Fair coming up and the other things that are bookending this massive convention. Let’s get right on down to the brass tacks and examine the first issues and one-shots coming from the folks over at Dynamite Comics.

DEJAH THORIS #1: Dejah Thoris, obsessed with finding the legendary Gardens of Mars, recruits her own expedition team of scientists. But once outside the palace walls, things don’t go as planned, and the Princess learns the hard way just how dangerous Barsoom really is.
Writer: Amy Chu; Art: Pasquale Qualano
Since the variant covers for “Deja Thoris” looked so awesome I’ve included them here for you as well.

PUMPKINHEAD #1 (of 5): “For each of Man’s evils, a special demon exists.” For thirty years, the demon of vengeance has been still, its corpse buried in a pumpkin patch graveyard in the hills. But when a reckless driver accidentally kills a pair of children, the creature is called up once more. This time, though, the monster’s intended target is protected by a cruel backwoods crime family. They hatch their own supernatural plans for dealing with Pumpkinhead. For each of man’s sins, a special demon exists, and when seven infernal creatures roam the hills and the hollows, no one–guilty or otherwise–is safe. Plus! The first part in a backup story about everyone’s favorite, Haggis, by Cullen Bunn and Kyle Strahm!
Writer: Cullen Bunn; Art: Blacky Shepherd, Kyle Strahm (back-up)

XENA #1: The path to redemption is never easy, and the journey of a warrior princess seeking to wash the blood of innocents from her hands is no exception. Xena travels to Athens, to plead for redemption in the temple of Eleos. But some things can never be forgiven and the shadows of past sins are long. Will Xena find redemption or betrayal waiting for her in the temple of the gods? The power, the passion, the danger… her courage would change the world. Xena: Warrior Princess.
Writer: Meredith Finch; Art: Vicente Cifuentes

KISS/ARMY OF DARKNESS #1 (of 5): KISS is on top of the world and rocking faces until the night disciples of The Destroyer show up and the band disappears. With the tour canceled, a young Ash misses one of the most important events of his life that will change his destiny. Now the Chosen One has to get back on the right path and join the KISS ARMY OF DARKNESS!
Writer: Marc Andreyko; Art: Ruairí Coleman

LEGENDERRY: RED SONJA #1 (of 5): The last we saw of Red Sonja of the Legenderry world, she was living the pirate’s life aboard her ship, The Nautilus. But times have changed. As she tries to rebuild her life once again, she must save the Big City from two houses divided and the star crossed love bringing them to the brink of war!
Writer: Marc Andreyko; Art: Igor Lima

JAMES BOND: M ONE-SHOT: James Bond’s superior, code-named M, scrambles MI6’s secret agents across the globe. Sometimes, he knowingly sends them to their deaths, for the greater good. But a traumatic event from M’s early days in the field returns to haunt him, forcing M to return to the scene of a crime…HIS crime. An exhilarating spy standalone from superstar DECLAN SHALVEY (Deadpool Vs. Old Man Logan, Savage Town) and PJ HOLDEN (2000 AD, Judge Dredd).
Writer: Declan Shalvey; Art: PJ Holden & Dearbhla Kelly
MYOPIA: THE RISE OF THE DOMES: In the second installment of this speculative steampunk thriller, the stakes are raised as the government decodes more of the virus that has been planted in the mysterious domes discovered at the magnetic poles. This leads to Ledge betraying Molly’s trust and placing Matthew’s psychological health in danger. Meanwhile the mysterious James Chase begins his first day of work at the invasive Formula Media Corporation where he meets Jill, the executive Formula Media Assistant who processes all the psychic imprints connected to the Central Lens Network. Based on an award-winning story, Myopia migrated to Dynamite from a successful Kickstarter supported by George R.R. Martin, Neil Gaiman, Margaret Atwood, Dean Koontz and Jim Butcher. Don’t miss the exciting continuation of the critically acclaimed first issue, hitting a 9.0 on Comic Book Round Up and reviewed in international, award winning magazines such as River Styx, which publishes some of the most important writers of our time, including many Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award winners.
Writer: Richard Dent; Art: Patrick Berkenkotter
MYOPIA SPECIAL #1 NEW PRINTING: Based on an award-winning story by writer Rich Dent, “Myopia” merges speculative fiction and steampunk into a thrilling alternative reality. Armed with a special set of lenses that make him almost invisible inside the Central Lens Network, James Chase sets out on a mission to stop the new world order’s violation of the Magnetic Energy Agreement. At first sold as a device to make life more convenient, the lens now works as a tool for the government to hide the devastation unleashed from excessive mining of the earth’s core. Myopia migrated over from a successful Kickstarter supported by George R.R. Martin, Neil Gaiman, Margaret Atwood, Dean Koontz, and Jim Butcher. Don’t miss this debut issue!
Cover: Cezar Razek; Writer: Richard Dent; Art: Patrick Berkenkotter
PiercingMetal Thoughts: Money is going to be a little tight for me in February since I have a few demands on the wallet to attend to but I am for sure purchasing the “KISS/Army Of Darkness” debut issue and then considering the remainder of the run before its collected into a single volume. These others I don’t know right now but let’s see what happens when I see them on the shelves at my local comic book retailer. What do you readers think of this months Dynamite Comics offerings? Are you purchasing any of them? Let me know down in the comments section below. See you next time.
Official Website: http://www.dynamite.com