The DC Fandome is pulling out all the stops or as many as they can fit into this virutal convention and now they have revealed a run of posters for the upcoming DC Comics superhero shows that air on The CW Network in advance of the happening itself. These shows were commonly referred to as “The Arrowverse” but with the death of Green Arrow/Oliver Queen in the finale of his series I guess they will be changing that. I’ve offered up some personal opinion on the assorted series and how they are or are not keeping my attention at this point in time.
The Flash: For me The Flash is starting to run on empty. The storylines are too drawn out for me, and as opposed to lengthy goes with one master villain, I’d love for more assorted characters. Full seasons of Thinker and Cicada were too much for me and DC Comics often had other heroes villains facing them. Marvel does this all the time so take a queue. I still like it though.
Supergirl: Every now and again Supergirl makes me shake my head but I love Benoist in the role and think overall the show is a promising one. Bringing in the Legion Of Superheroes and assorted villains from Superman’s history was a smart move. They were also able to utilize characters from across the assorted series of comics and I enjoyed that. Let’s see how strong they can keep this one post “Crisis On Infinite Earths”.
Legends Of Tomorrow: This show deserves more love than it gets and while it started off shaky in premise, I have come to like the almost revolving door cast of heroes and the ones that they encounter. Fans were mad at NBC for cancelling “Constantine” and he ended up working well on “LOT”, we also found some reworking for the Legion Of Doom, that I was not too crazy about but they had to run with what was doable for small screen. I would have preferred that be expanded on but it wasn’t. Unsure where this one goes next as its been off for some time but will come back. Maybe the next season is the final and I’ve missed the announcement somewhere. Only time will tell and when I learn stuff so will you.
Black Lightning: When Black Lightning was launched as a series, I wasn’t sure I would like it and I was 50/50 on the early episodes. I didn’t like that it wasn’t happening in the same worlds of “The Arrowverse” as it limited the villainy to the characters own street gang foes and Tobias Whale. The “Crisis” merged the worlds but I did not like how “The Outsiders” were treated as a team. When the title “Batman and The Outsiders” was published, I found that to be a continually interesting read. I am still on the fence with this one but not less interested enough to remove from my DVR so let’s see where it goes now.
Batwoman: Back in May, actress Ruby Rose exited the series and that was pretty shocking because she was the Batwoman character. I felt this show needed a lot of work as a whole and needed to employ more of the existing Batman rogues than it did. Hey if “Gotham” could do it why can’t an actual caped crusader show with the costume do it. A lot of times I felt Rose was phoning it in and that was a shame since it was a high profile role for an actress that a lot of people are 50/50 on if you can trust the tabloids. The new actress will be a woman of color and also LGBTQ so let’s see what happens. I remain hopeful but do think they should have just recast the Kate Kane character as opposed to starting anew.
Stargirl: Every single episode of “Stargirl” has been a lot of fun and a lot of twists and turns. I was a big fan of the “Justice Society of America” comic and like how their mythos has interplayed with this series. Are there things that bother me? Yes of course since I am a geek and occasional purest to the medium but its live withable. I really like the lead in the Stargirl role and think this show has enormous potential. Maybe it will even make those few copies of the “Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E.” comic book in my collection worth a little bit more. One more thing is that I hope they move this into “Arrowverse” continuity because that was a shortcoming of “Black Lightning” IMHO and just opens up more creative storytelling doors for Stargirl if they do.
Superman and Lois: Unsure what to make of the upcoming Superman series but I did really like the lead in the role when he appeared across a number of episodes of the “Supergirl” series. It was a smart move including him when they did as it only added value to the show as opposed to taking away from it. The premise seems to find Clark and Lois married and living in Smallville which makes me feel this could be a combination of that older series and the “Lois and Clark” one. Provided they keep it interesting I will for sure be tuning in.
PiercingMetal Thoughts: So I don’t usually chime in on the promotional poster reveals but let me quickly say that I’ve been using the pandemic to get back through all of the past episodes of these shows. While they might have cancelled “Arrow” and “I Zombie”, I was still filling up my DVR with the assorted live-action DC Comics superhero shows. Having pointed out what I think about each one and what my hopes are for the coming seasons up above near each poster, I will close up by asking the readership what they think about each show down in the comments section below.
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