Brooklyn’s Saint Vitus Bar Launches Pandemic Relief Effort via Kickstarter

The readers of this website are continually kept “in the know” about things to do in our region care of our handy, dandy Events Calendar. It’s here that you find the concerts, special events and conventions of no less than 50 or so places in the metropolis that we regularly document with one of the main places being the Saint Vitus Bar, in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. Earlier today, the folks at SVB announced a special Kickstarter to help operations once this dreaded Coronavirus has left us. Take a look down below.

saint vitus bar logo

The Press Release:
Saint Vitus Launches Pandemic Relief Effort via Kickstarter. Today, Saint Vitus in Brooklyn, NY is launching a Kickstarter to help raise money to keep the bar alive both during and after the pandemic.

The Brooklyn mainstay and renowned metal venue has reached out to their large community to secure some pretty amazing rewards for contributors, including limited edition merch, stickers, access to livestreams, and tickets. Also, on Tuesdays and Fridays they are rolling out unique rewards that will include everything from video music lessons from some of your favorite musicians to signed memorabilia from Vitus shows, photos, posters, and even a musical score for your favorite cute animal video from a bonafide NYC metal legend!

You can find all the details at and follow #vituskickstarter to make sure you don’t miss an update. For Inquiries please email

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PiercingMetal Thoughts: I’ve been to the Saint Vitus Bar a few dozen times since it’s opened and I always have a good time there. Generally speaking, when I am in Greenpoint, I have a little routine that I do almost all of the time. I usually like to visit the Transmitter Park for some views of the city then its a game or two of pinball at the Sunshine Laundromat before a couple of slices of pizza at Triangolo’s Pizzeria. If you look all of these things up in order you will see that they are a nice trajectory as you head to Vitus. It’s my hope that I will be back at the place soon and rocking out to an insane Metal show of some kind. I’d hate to find places going away and this is how you fans of Metal and going to shows can help ensure that SVB isn’t going to be one of them. Since the Coronavirus Pandemic is in full sway here in NYC, I can report that while I am doing fine and on lockdown that some friends have reported signs of illness. Please be careful out there and follow the directives of social distancing, remaining inside and keeping clean hands. I want all of you to be fine so that said I close up now and say see you soon.

Official Website:

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