Big Apple Comic Con Announces New Location & “Big Apple Christmas Con”

Though we’ve just finished exploring the annual Winter Con that happened this past weekend at the Resorts World Casino in Queens, NY. The Geek-Minded folks don’t have to put away their cosplaying gear just yet as their is one more Pop Culture convention coming our way. Yes my friends, the Big Apple Comic Con (that generally happens in March) has launched a brand-new event to be held in their new location. Read on more down below about the first ever Big Apple Christmas Con.

big apple comic con, big apple christmas con

The Press Release:
Big Apple Comic Convention, New York City’s longest-running premier boutique comic books and popular culture show, is celebrating its move to the New Yorker Hotel with the Big Apple Christmas Con holiday party and convention on December 14, 2019.

For those looking to slip away from the holiday hoopla, the Big Apple Christmas Con will offer fans an escape to another universe, while those looking to immerse themselves in the season can bask in special holiday-themed events and unique gift-shopping opportunities. This special one-day event will include all the fixings of the annual Big Apple Comic Con, as well as free gifts (with a focus on those under the age of 14), fabulous prize giveaways, an exhibition of Christmas-themed comic books, an original comic artwork auction with all proceeds to going to Covenant House New York (which provides residential services to homeless, runaway and exploited youth), a holiday-themed cosplay contest and an extra special appearance by the one and only Christmas super-hero: Santaman!

Says Big Apple Comic Con founder Mike Carbonaro,“It’s very cool to think that what my buddies and I launched in a humble church basement all those many years ago has grown into the longest-running comic con in NYC! We’re so excited to be at The New Yorker that we’re throwing a thank-you party for our loyal fans, artists, and exhibitors! Come and join us!”

The New Yorker Hotel, an Art Deco masterpiece built in 1929 and recently renovated to its suggestively stylized splendor, will play host to future Big Apple Comic Cons, including the group’s annual two-day Spring extravaganza. Big Apple Comic Con is a convention with a truly unique NYC feel and a dedicated base of attendees from its 23-year history. The move to the New Yorker allows the established Big Apple Comic Con community to open its arms to even more attendees, who will enjoy top exhibitors, artists and celebrity guests.

Exhibitors will be selling original comic artwork and some of the most sought-after collectible comic books in history, and attendees can fulfill their holiday shopping lists with goodies from all aspects of pop culture including: science fiction, fantasy, film, television, cosplay, animation, anime, manga, toys, horror, collectible card games, video games, web comics, and fantasy and graphic novels.

Big Apple Comic Con will feature appearances by dozens of artists, creators and independent publishers, and an Artist Alley filled with up-and-coming artists. Fans will also be able to participate in celebrity panels and programming with professionals from various fields.

Confirmed celebrity guests include Sam J. Jones (Flash Gordon, The Spirit), Peter Scolari (Bosom Buddies, Gotham), Frank Romano (legendary Ben Cooper costume designer) and Cosplay Guest of Honor Barbie Chula; comic book creators Jim Steranko (S.H.I.E.L.D, Captain America), Joseph Michael Linsner (Cry For Dawn, Conan), Larry Hama (G.I. Joe, Avengers), Neal Adams (X-Men, Green Lantern/Green Arrow), Erica Schultz (Daredevil, M3), Mark Texeira (Black Panther, Wolverine), Kristen Gudsnuk (Henchgirl, Modern Fantasy), Billy Tucci (A Child is Born, Shi), Paul Levitz (The Visitor, Batman), Tom DeFalco (Spider-Man, Archie), Kristina Deak-Linsner (Dawn & Vampirella, Sin Boldly), Bob Rozakis (‘Mazing Man, Joker’s Daughter), Paul Kupperberg (Supergirl, Doom Patrol), Michael Jan Friedman (Star Trek: The Next Generation, Darkstars), Peter Kuper (The New Yorker, MAD Magazine), Russ Braun (The Boys, Batman); and The Kubert School, Heidi MacDonald, Paris Cullins, Gary Cohn, Larry Stroman, Brian Kong, Zeea Adams, Bob Wiacek, Mike Diana, Steve Saffel, Steve Bunche, Zorikh Lequidre, Robert J. Sodaro, John Orlando, and Dan Fogel, with more to be announced.

The New Yorker Hotel is located at 481 8th Avenue, New York, NY. Big Apple Comic Con runs from 10 a.m. – 7 p.m. with VIP Early Admission at 9 a.m. on Saturday, December 14, 2019. Tickets are available at

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PiercingMetal Thoughts: As many of our readers know, has been attending the New York Comic Con since 2010 and in addition to that we’ve been hitting Anime NYC, Liberty City Anime Con, Flame Con, Winter Con and of course the Big Apple Comic Con for a few years as well. We always have a great time at these conventions and have been an ardent supporter of the comic book industry for many years before this website even became a thing. I’m hoping to be in attendance and see many of the friends that are lined out up above in the confirmed guests and this includes you. My cosplay is going to be me as me but with a Santa hat. Let’s have some fun. Remember to “Follow” and “Like-Bomb” our Official Instagram as hundreds and hundreds of images from these conventions are there to be enjoyed along with our Metal Music world.

Big Apple Comic Con online:

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