If you’re a superhero action adventure fan and are a subscriber to the Amazon Prime service then you most likely have come across the series called “The Boys”. It’s a violent as all heck series and the first go round was an out of the park hit. As I only subscribe to Netflix and Hulu at the moment, I don’t know much more than what we see in the first trailer presented down below. Take a look.
The Premise:
The Boys is set in a universe where superpowered individuals are recognized as heroes by the general public and owned by powerful corporation Vought International, which markets and monetizes them. Outside of their heroic personas, most are arrogant and corrupt. The series primarily focuses on two groups: the Seven, Vought International’s premier superhero team, and the titular Boys, vigilantes looking to keep the corrupted heroes under control. The Boys are led by Billy Butcher, who despises all superpowered people, and the Seven are led by the egotistical and unstable Homelander. As a conflict ensues between the two groups, the series also follows the new members of each team: Hughie Campbell of the Boys, who joins the vigilantes after his girlfriend is killed by one of the Seven; and Annie January / Starlight of the Seven, a young and hopeful heroine forced to face the truth about the heroes she admires. (c/o Wiki)
The Cast/Characters:
Karl Urban as Billy Butcher
Jack Quaid as Hughie Campbell
Antony Starr as John/Homelander
Erin Moriarty as Annie January/Starlight
Dominique McElligott as Queen Maeve
Jessie T. Usher as A-Train
Laz Alonso as Marvin/Mother’s Milk (MM)
Chace Crawford as Kevin/the Deep
Tomer Capon as Frenchie
Karen Fukuhara as Kimiko/the Female
Nathan Mitchell as Black Noir
Elisabeth Shue as Madelyn Stillwell
Simon Pegg as Hugh Campbell Sr
Jennifer Esposito as Susan Raynor
Colby Minifie as Ashley Barrett
Ann Cusack as Donna January
Christian Keyes as Nathan
PiercingMetal Thoughts: Okay so I only watched this clip in the hope that it wouldn’t have ruined any of the first season revelations. You see, I don’t have an Amazon Prime subscription and only managed to see a couple of the first season episodes when I was hanging out with friends and they needed to run a quick errand. Fortunately this left me with some time to pass the time by watching a couple of episodes from the first season but alas I didn’t get any further. I was not a reader of the comic book series either I am afraid and looking into the collected editions of the series is on my to do list. Oh don’t shake your head, I missed out on the early issues of “The Walking Dead” as well and can kick myself based on just how much the first printings of the early run are worth. What about you readers? Are you fans of the original comic series and have been tuning in to the show? Please chime in down below in the comments section if that is you since it’s always great to hear from you. See you next time and remember to stay safe out there and wear a mask. We aren’t out of the woods from this terrible virus yet and I want everyone to be as okay as possible.
Official Series Wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Boys_(2019_TV_series)