Hello there my friends and let me say that I know you are looking for another full on overview of the New York Comic Con like I did with the recent posts from my Day One adventuring. As you know, I always try to keep this kind of stuff interesting and felt that I should mix it up just a little bit with this years posts. Since we stopped by the Abrams Books and Marvel Entertainment booth, I decided to take those photos out of the larger rundown and showcase them in a post of their own. First up is the Abrams Books booth.
The Abrams Books booth was super busy at New York Comic Con and I loved to see this since I am a big fan of their books. I own several and really think that I should be reviewing more of them for the website because most of what they publish really speaks to our Pop Culture readership. The Fantastic Four book you see is done by Alex Ross and apparently is his first time writing a story unless I heard them wrong. Either way I need a copy of this. I loved the John Byrne “Fantastic Four” era and I am sure Ross will illustrate them wonderfully.
These books are for a younger audience and IMHO are the perfect way to get your family circle of a certain age into all of the amazing Marvel Comics characters.
This cool tome talks about the amazing “X-Men” cartoon from years ago. I loved that series and really think I need to binge watch it. I wonder if that’s on Disney+ yet. It might be but to be honest I’ve never looked.
In the 90’s Jim Lee did the art for a series of “X-Men” trading cards and at the time this particular non-sport kind of card was dominating the scene. Now the Geeks had something like this to collect while their friends collected baseball, football or basketball cards.
These cards were amazing and I know that I have a couple of full sets of them secured somewhere. I would purchase the full box and make a few sets then give some of the rest away or trade to build another set. I should look for those but I digress.
The mini-books are also good for a younger readers but maybe one a little more aware of the special nature of this kind of collection. Part of me actually wants this as well. Not sure if I am going to purchase at the convention though.
In this photo you’ll see a collected edition of “Marvel Fun and Games” and I loved this series when it was out. It had puzzles and questions and things to solve all related to the Marvel Universe. Then there is this “Fantastic Four” volume.
This is a panel by panel overview of the first issue of “Fantastic Four” issue #1. That series began a few years before I was born and I wish I had it. I have a number of reprinted copies but not the real deal beginning of the Marvel Universe.
This is the output from a cool book of foldout characters.
Now last but not least is a mural by Alex Ross and this is coming in a wall calendar that unfolds to a pretty massive size. There are so many characters here and I wonder can you name them all? Give it a try and feel free to leave that as a comment.
Now let’s take a quick look at some of the coolness that was set up at the Marvel Entertainment pavilion.
While Marvel had a whole bunch of different things going on, I wanted this small photo presentation to focus on the brand-new Haslab creation for their Marvel Legends Series. This is the Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider and his Engine of Vengeance. I thought this looked pretty amazing in the photos their press release showed (seen HERE) but wow in person on this prototype its just fantastic. It’s on the pricy side at about $300 or so but look at what you get.
So obviously this comes with the Robbie Reyes version of the Ghost Rider. Not the Johnny Blaze or Danny Ketch one. He looks cool for sure though don’t you think?
Since this is a Haslab crowd-funded kind of product, it will come with tiers and they have revealed that when a certain number is reached the buyer will get a Goblin Queen and a Mephisto. I never thought I’d see the day when Mephisto was a Marvel Legends Series action figure.
Let’s take a little bit of a closer look at these two special action figures.
So one of the things that I’ve been doing along the adventures at the New York Comic Con is doing some short form videos. These are just about a minute long and I share across three platforms. The YouTube one is embedded below since that is right now the most important network for my family of brands. Please give it a subscribe if want to help us out.
So that’s going to be it with my first of the side-features in the New York Comic Con coverage. I’ll be looking to do other ones as I continue to bring all the wonderful costumes, artists and exhibitors to your favorite screen over the coming days. The NYCC posts begin again tomorrow with Day Two so please stay tuned. In the meantime you can make sure that you are helping us rally via our social media profiles. The links are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and TikTok.
Official Links:
New York Comic Con: http://www.newyorkcomiccon.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/newyorkcomiccon
ReedPOP: http://www.reedpop.com
Abrams Books: https://www.abramsbooks.com/
Marvel: http://www.marvel.com